Mirror's Edge Wiki
"Be careful, Faith. You don't know what you'll find in there..."
This article contains plot spoilers. If you do not yet know of this information, it is recommended you read at your own risk, or not at all.

Officer Kate Connors is Faith's twin sister. Although they are twins, they are much different. She is part of the City Police Force and was framed for the killing of mayoral candidate Robert Pope, a long time friend of the Faith and Kate's family.

Before she was taken into custody, Faith ambushed the convoy from a rooftop and told Kate to head for Mercury's hideout. But soon the hideout was ambushed by PK forces. She was then taken hostage by Jacknife and was taken by him to the Shard. When Faith arrived at the roof of the Shard, Kate was knocked out and thrown into a helicopter, in which Faith kicked Jack out, sending him to his death. She fell out of the Black Hawk after Jack shoots the pilot, and grabbed the side of the building. She was pulled up by Faith where they shared one last hug together just before the credits roll.
